I'll write this review as I'm playing the game so I don't forget anything I want to bring up:
First Impressions: Brick Breaker meets Tetris? Alrighty, I'll see where this goes.
Beating the first level: Ohh, there's actual strategy involved? That's kind of cool. At first I just tried to stack them all on top of each other but that didn't work out so great so I had to adapt and change around it, which is an interesting mechanic.
Halfway through the game: GARGBLARGHL
This game is fun, but losing a piece on the last part is crazy annoying. I also wish there was a way to speed up block movement, though that's a minor gripe. After a while, when you've repeated the level over and over again, the amount of strategy decreases and the amount of repetition increases. When you know exactly what you want to do, all that's left is to wait for all the pieces to land, get back to where you were before and then you can try your strategy again.
Closing Comments: I didn't finish but I think I've played enough to give it a mark. It was good. The levels were fast paced and original, and varied enough so that I didn't feel like it was the same thing over and over again. Better than average so 3 1/2 for you.