...Space Marines
You know, you had me going there for a moment that this would be original, but you had to go and ruin it with space marines. Oh sure, it's pretty fun and has good art, but I just couldn't play through a game with space marines and get into it. Of course I won't take points off for that, but the insanely long intro and repetitiveness got to me. It was still very good and deserving of the front page, but c'mon! Space marines! Fighting different colored space marines! Over power! How did they get to that planet without fuel or energy? How did they fly for years if there was zilcho power? Why did we only see four ships with four people when there were actually dozens? What would taking over the planet accomplish if they were years away from earth? If you're going to have a large expansive plot line I need closure to this stuff, and although I didn't have the patience to beat the game, it's still a good piece of work, with nice art, and only some minor complains. And frigging space marines.